
"Random projects that nobody cares about"

What we do

We make weird stuff with Google Cloud because we have nothing else to do. You might think that we do templates, but no. We just play around with the services to make funny things, such as InfiniChat, our Google Sheets AI, and our Google Apps Script showcase. Our projects are fun but useless to test the potential of Google's cloud service. Also, we just want to crash it :) We make these projects because we like to do things differently. Google made their cloud services to make money, but also to make an easier UI to work with (No offense, Microsoft, but your Office products need a UI update!). We want to take advantage of these minimalistic cloud services to make strange, somewhat stupid products. Because of this dependency of Google on our products, they are entirely free. All of our products cost the same amount - $0. Even the non-Google ones!

Who we are


We are really dumb people who can code. Because we are homeless, all of our products took like, 10 minutes to make. Our house is an 1800s tenement. If you get our house on Google Earth, which we don't break, it will look more like a storage shed than a house. Additionally, our server is a twelve year old laptop. You can tell we can't code because if you go to the inspect menu, you will see that almost everything is client-side. Even the dynamically changing websites!

Our Services

As well as our Google Cloud projects, we support other stuff on our website. You can find these by clicking on the buttons below. We are now starting to do actual code! As well as the things described above, we do strange things such as filming roller coasters. Yeah, we will literally send a web dev on a scary coaster just to get some YouTube views!